April 17, Different but so content
The other day I wrote a Facebook status saying something like different but so content. And then a few people asked to see pics.
Here are the pics of what I was so content about.

Most of my friends must know by now that I love to change my hairstyle and color. As my sister-in-law said today, I just never know what to expect hairwise when I see you. Always something new. Fun :)
I personally just love my hairdresser. I just happened to run into this place, Studio 81, on Södermalm last summer when I was dog sitting. Since it was summer and most people were on vacation I was able to bring the dog with me to work. I loved it!! And I think the puppy dog loved it too! Anyway, so me and puppy dog ended up walking to work and walked down this street and I saw Studio 81 and thought it looked really cool. I took note of them name and checked out their webpage, www.studio81.se. I really liked how they presented each hair dresser and decided to call and get an appointment. I and ended up getting Josefin the first time I went there. I really liked her work and since then I do my hair there.
Last night I was out for a spontaneous AW. We ended up being 8 or so people meeting up. It was lots of fun but I ended up being out a bit later than I expected. Though, I didn't have lots to drink but since I didn't really feel hungry last night and therefore didn't eat, I ended up feeling a bit queezy this morning. That wasn't as fun as last night ;(
This morning I took it easy and did some touch up painting in the bedroom and did some cleaning in general. But around I ended up heading out the door to go to my niece Tuva's one year birthday party. Yes, she is already one years old. Unfortunately I forgot my camera and the Iphone camera, well, one can't rely on it to take any good pics....So no pics of my darling sweet nieces :(
It was fun to go out there and see my fam but also their friends since I have through the years met several of them. Though, I have to admit, I do get a little tired from all the kids. They do have a different level of energy and sound. I really can't keep up with the little cutiepies :)
Tonight I am doing some final work on my bedroom! Next week it will be completed since the floor will be installed sometime next week. Yeah, it is so exciting. And also, the bathroom is getting really close to be finished. I need to take some pics of the bathroom and post them. Well, maybe tomorrow. Now I need to get back to the painting the door frame.
Till next time, take care and be careful where ever you are!
Here are the pics of what I was so content about.

Most of my friends must know by now that I love to change my hairstyle and color. As my sister-in-law said today, I just never know what to expect hairwise when I see you. Always something new. Fun :)
I personally just love my hairdresser. I just happened to run into this place, Studio 81, on Södermalm last summer when I was dog sitting. Since it was summer and most people were on vacation I was able to bring the dog with me to work. I loved it!! And I think the puppy dog loved it too! Anyway, so me and puppy dog ended up walking to work and walked down this street and I saw Studio 81 and thought it looked really cool. I took note of them name and checked out their webpage, www.studio81.se. I really liked how they presented each hair dresser and decided to call and get an appointment. I and ended up getting Josefin the first time I went there. I really liked her work and since then I do my hair there.
Last night I was out for a spontaneous AW. We ended up being 8 or so people meeting up. It was lots of fun but I ended up being out a bit later than I expected. Though, I didn't have lots to drink but since I didn't really feel hungry last night and therefore didn't eat, I ended up feeling a bit queezy this morning. That wasn't as fun as last night ;(
This morning I took it easy and did some touch up painting in the bedroom and did some cleaning in general. But around I ended up heading out the door to go to my niece Tuva's one year birthday party. Yes, she is already one years old. Unfortunately I forgot my camera and the Iphone camera, well, one can't rely on it to take any good pics....So no pics of my darling sweet nieces :(
It was fun to go out there and see my fam but also their friends since I have through the years met several of them. Though, I have to admit, I do get a little tired from all the kids. They do have a different level of energy and sound. I really can't keep up with the little cutiepies :)
Tonight I am doing some final work on my bedroom! Next week it will be completed since the floor will be installed sometime next week. Yeah, it is so exciting. And also, the bathroom is getting really close to be finished. I need to take some pics of the bathroom and post them. Well, maybe tomorrow. Now I need to get back to the painting the door frame.
Till next time, take care and be careful where ever you are!