Happy Easter everyone!
It's been awhile since I wrote anything here.....I guess life kicked in for real, aka I started working full-time.
It's been intense and I have been trying to juggle the fact that doing "only"
full-time makes me feel inadequate. I know I am not alone feeling this way. Most people today seem to live this way, ugghhh. The way our society today is filled with stress is no good and I don't like it!
On top of that I am used to be able to juggle 10 things at one time, but now, I am feeling incredibly stressed out. So I have been trying to come to terms with myself and accept that things aren't normal just bc I have been going back to work full-time. I tell myself that in some ways life will never be going back to the way it used to be prior to cancer. I am still in recovery but somehow I am back to the way life was prior to knowing of it. But that doesn't mean my mind and soul is with me at all times.
I need to give myself a break and not be such and over-achiever when it comes myself. I can be patient with others but not when it comes to myself. Gotta work on that!
Another fact why life can keep pushing like a bulldozer is bc I am without my precious Lakrits. She is away at the breeder taking care of her 6 precious puppies, 3 girls, 3 boys. I am a proud mamma❤️ They are so adorable! But I don't get out the way I am used to. Fresh air and great walks is like
medicine for mind and soul.

But puppy life hasn't only been cute and cuddly. The second week after puppies arrived Lakrits got a massive engorgement. I had no idea a dog could
get this. But too much milk and puppies not being able to eat as much of the milk as needed to avoid engorgement, Lakrits ended up with a papaya size hard bump. She has been such a trooper and has endured so much pain.
It was such a stressful week since one could see how much pain Lakrits was in and it wouldn't give in. We were told to have heat on her enlarged udder, massage and try to make puppies eat from it. Also worrying was that Lakrits had this high fever. But after almost a week of worrying she started going back to normal. The antibiotics did what it is supposed to do.

breeder this entire time but to do it all alone is a tough journey....so I more or less stayed with Martina for 4 days to help out to take care of Lakrits and make sure the pups got enough of milk. We were a great team! 💜
I also want to send a hugs thanks to Lotta J and Malin E who gave me such awesome support on the phone and via text. Now it makes me smile but the. It was just stress...Lotta who came up with the brilliant idea of a human breastmilk pump to ease the pressure of the enlarged udder and got one for me at the pharmacy she was at. I believe it helped out even though it didn't make the milk flow but we got some milk coming.

Alas, Lakrits is ok and back to normal now.....but I guess it was a pay back time from Lakrits since she took care and worried about me through out the Fall! This black pearl of mine is truly a special dog....she has her own will and when she has decided she wants it one way, it is her way that will be done.

And then I found something that disappeared about 4 months ago......

decided to dig into the training bag where I had left hot dogs. I have been worried for months wondering what happened to it...well, eat all of it expect for the plastic was eaten and then she hid the plastic wrap under the couch. I have been vacuuming under the couch but due to the size of plastic the vacuum cleaner hasn't caught it. I laughed to hard to myself last night when I found it.....
Over and out for now. Time to get ready to head to Uppsala.