

Dec 31- Happy New Year

I want to wish you all a very happy new year! It still is about 14 1/2 hours left for me before 2011 starts and I do hope that things will settle down next year. As I have been writing earlier in my blog this past year has been a bit too much.

I am going to end this year by heading out to a private dinner with an old friend and 2 other girls that I don't know. After dinner we are heading out to mingle at Cafe Opera. I just decided this last night and fortunately there were still tickets left. I hope it will be fun.

What is happening 2011, well, not sure but I sort of have a wish list/ to do list:
I hope I get more stuff to do at work.
I will move at the end of January.
I want to plan a skiing trip, both at work on my own. I really want to head back to the Alps.
My brother Klas is coming home in the middle of the year to visit for 3 weeks. He hasn't been back for mmm, 3 1/2 years by then. I am SO looking forward to see him. Unfortunately his wife can't make it. Melissa, when will I see you next time?!?! We got to figure something out.
I want to travel more.
I want to take a break for everything that has to do with renovating apartments....but if I know myself right, I will go nuts living in my rental.
I hope my rental converts into a condo.
I want to try to become a foster home for dogs in need. Sort of what I did over X-mas. See previous blog and pics of Ture.
I am going to be walking the streets friday and saturday nights once a month or so checking out that kids are not doing things they shouldn't be doing or helping them out if they have for example been drinking too much. Not

These are just a few things that I really feel I want to try to do.
Take care and be careful tonight! See you next year!
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