

April14 2012- Snow?!

I was supposed to go on my first training with the biking club today but when I woke up at 7.10 this morning I woke up to this!

Instead of biking I decided that I am going to put some more time into my apartment so I really can move back into the livingroom. And so I did!
I finished the flooring, replaced all my old light switches, went to the recycle a lot of garbage and waste material from the renovation, came back home and vacuumed and mopped the floors, got my coffe table and carpet from the basement. Though, still a lot more cleaning and organization to do but now after 10,5 hours of work I am dead beat.....but it feels so great to sit in my livingroom...and I have lightswitches so I can turn on my ceiling lamps...and best of all is all my ceiling lamps can now be dimmed! Sooo sweet!

View from the hallway

View from the kitchen...this is actually my favorite view in the apartment. I guess it is because you see through the apartment and see the light coming into the livingroom. Though, the picture is not doing it justice.

View from the living room towards the hallway and kitchen.

The dimmer! Love it :)

Regular lightswitch in the bathroom and the walk-in-closet.


Now I just have to finish all the other details :)
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