

Feb 28 2012- Moving forward

This weekend was nuts....me and my friend Sussi did an amazing work wallpapering. Since neither she or I really had done any wallpapering before I was amazed how well we actually did and our team work was also superb.
All the wallpapering I have done was to help a friend with a wall in her condo and one wall in my old condo. So I am so content! I will post pictures later this week since I dont have acces to the ones I took this weekend since they are stuck in my camera. 

So eventhough we worked 12 hours total ( 9 saturday+ 3 sundau) more or less this weekend I am still making progress this week. Last night I was painting carpentry and tonight another good friend, Lisa, is coming over to help me make some more progress. This time we are going to use another type of wallpaper than the one I used this weekend....It will be interesting to see how different this one is compared to the one we used this weekend. The one that we put up this weekend was called easy-up wallpaper...I can ensure you it wasn't as easy-up as it made it sound ;)

Take care till next time!
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