

Jan 24 2012- Thoughts about training

Something completely different than renovations.....Right now I am really ansi about trying to get into good routines about working out. I really can't wait for the biking season to kick in. Well, for me at least to kick in...I am not one of those hard core road bikers who bike all year around. So for now I am just trying to give myself goals/ motivation of how to expand my training so I don't get bored till biking starts.

A few set goals already for this year are the following;
1. Tjejvättern. A women's 100 k bike race in the beginning of June
2. Vätternrundan. A 300 k bike race. The week after Tjejvättern
3. Start to run again once a week
4. Bellmanstafetten. A 5 k runningx 5 people race that my office has signed up for.
5. Keep up doing all the excercises needed and stretching so I won't get my runner's knee back/ worsens or my biking injures gets worse.

Goal to maybe try to achieve: Triathlon!

So what does this list above mean to me?! Well, I ask myself....Am I bored with my life?! Do I have an identity crisis ;)!? Maybe mentally bored but nahhh, no identity crisis. Or at least not that I know of...

I have an idea of how to expand my training so I won't get bored with it. Uusually during the spring and summer momths I bike pretty much anywhere I go. That means that I commute by bike to and from work. BUT, I have an idea and that is to run to or home from work once a week. Has anyone tried this. Run commuting I guess it is called!? I been reading a bit about it and it sounds really awesome. However, I don't think my knee can keep up with too long of distances which is why I want to just run once a week, to or from work. At least to begin with. Is it nuts to think about doing it? I mean, I only have about 5+ k's to work so it definately isn't that long of a distance.

So until the spring comes around I will be expanding my trainging by going on a couple of skiing trips to Åre. One  trip is coming up in a couple weeks. I really can't wait. The other one is about 8 weeks away. Then when I get back, I really hope spring is here! I so can't wait for the sun :)

Till next time, take care!
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