

New dates for radiodine session

Just got the call I have been waiting for....Radiumhemmet called to book me for the next radiodine session. I am dreading the 3 days I will be locked up at Radiumhemmet. But at the same time I want to get over and done with it since I might need 2 more sessions!

So 23-26 September I will be locked up in a room at the hospital.
Such a weird bizarre situation.....

But there are some positives, I have learnt what to bring such as my own food! Last time I didn't eat for almost 3 days since their diet foods were aweful. I mean, one could throw up by just smelling the food. So I will bring fresh salads and vegetables and fruits.

And on September 13/14 I am starting the strict diet, no salt, no suger, no milk product, decreased amount of meat etc.

Last time I lost 3-4 kg in 10
days....I am down now to around 50 kg. When this crap started I weighed 57 kg....wonder how much I will loose this time?! Really don't need to loose more weight.

But I gotta say....the doctor said it would be in October since it was most likely all full in September. Now the nurse called and asked, when do I wanna do it?!
What?! I said I guess October since it is all full in September.
And she goes no, pretty much nothing is booked in September. What?!
I am seriously sooo confused about how the health care system works!!! Don't they communicate within the different departments?!
It is so weird to me that I don't even get upset any longer.

So now I need to mentally start
prepping for this diet and the three day lock up. I managed good last time, pretty much didn't speak
For 3 days since the woman I shared room with didn't even speak English. I am sure I will be doing good this time too! This time
I know the drill, feels very comforting.

Over and out....

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