

Ultra sound and biopsi....

It's so bizarre to have someone picking a needle in your neck!

Though this doctor I have met before and she is so good, calm relaxed and you just feel very comfortable and safe with her doing this work.

But seriously.....20 minutes of examination with ultra sound and three samples taken and I am completely exhausted. 

Now, just be they did biposi doesn't mean anything. She pointed out several times to me that she wants to be extremely through since the cancer markers continuously have been increasing. 
The three lymphnodes weren't enlarged rather the opposite but she wants to rule them out. 

Being poke the needle 3 times in your neck doesn't really hurt but you can feel how they are twisting around the needle in the lymphnode to get a good amount sample. This time the samples were taken just under my cheek bone. So a bit higher up then where they did surgery on my neck. So good nothing is showing where they did surgery. 👍

Now I just have to wait for May 2nd for the
ct scan and this result.  

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