

Are you for real!!??

I seriously have no more energy to deal with this freaking Swedish healthcare system!!! 

I call to get hold of the contact person I have at Radiumhemmet. She is a sweet and nice person but all I get is that my doctor is away researching and therefore she can only read of my journal.
Though the nurse agrees with that the doctor should have called and not just sent me a letter for a CT-scan. 

So I keep asking questions and also tells her how frustrating my life situations is when things such as Friday happens. On top of that I haven't even gotten any response to my earlier phone calls about how I am  physically feeling so lethargic and tired and that my levaxin dosage is a bit high. If that can be a factor of how I am feeling.

All I get for respons is that there is more or less to few doctors and the other doctors at Radiumhemmet won't probably go in and just change my levaxin dosage. 

So now I am making my own plans of how much levaxin I will take and the nurse will report to the doctor about my changes! Seriously!!? Are you for real?!!? 

So here I am, my house doctor (vårdcentralen) won't help me out, the doctor at Radiumhemmet isn't ever available. She only sends me letters without explaining why! Are you for real!!? 

So what did I find out from this call? 
The answers I got is that my cancer markers have slightly increased yet again and this is why I need to do a CT scan of my lungs and I will also get a notification for ultra sound of my neck and perhaps they will do a another biopsy if they find methasis. 

I already figured this out myself.....so right now I so feel I am back to where I started in August 2015! It feels so frustrating. And on top of that I am so lacking energy but there is no help to be found. I can somehow deal with being back to where i started but the way I am being treated/ dealt with is just so disrespectful and not honorable. I feel I am just wasting their time so why even bother about what I do; I can stop taking meds etc etc no one of my doctor, nurse f-ing cares anyway. 

So Welcome to the Swedish healthcare system. Yes I do get treatment and I am in the system, I am not the sickest person I know that. But what about all the stuff around except for treating my cancer; information, checking in on how well the patient is doing?!?! Do I have any questions or worries?! I guess it really isn't part of the healthcare system!?! 

So this is my life these days, no real answers, experimenting on how much thyroid drugs I should or shouldn't take, left out in the cold it feels like. 
The Swedish healthcare is great at slowly but surely breaking down people mentally! They are sure well on their way with me after 18 months of this "life style"! 

So welcome to my life!

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