

The cancer marathon goes on.....

It has been pretty silent on this blogg. I have been trying to focus on what is positive and good. 
But as the last 2 summers I have been having to do some blood work to follow up on the previous treatment in Decemener. 
The blood work is to identify and check the cancer marker. It indicates whether there is cancer or not in the system. The marker needs to be less than one. Unfortunately despite treatments it just keeps increasning. 

When I did my last radiation at Christmas it was around 150 afterwards. Just a small decrease compared to prior to the treatment. The current result showed an increase to around 250.
Last treatment I did was bc new tumours had occured which was identified last summer due to a big increase in the cancer marker. So exactly what this means I don't know but I will do a new PET scan. This will be able to identify any tumours. Unfortunately, I have been dealing with this cancer far too many years, 3 years as of now, that I would be surprised if there weren't any new tumours. 
So this cancer marathon keeps going on and I really don't see this crap end any time in the near future. Frustrating as hell but what can I do except for trying to have the faith that this will go away for good. The question is just when!?