Mind set
Thank you thank you thank you everyone for your super awesome support since my last post! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I have said it before but I am blessed to have such great bunch of family, friends and aquainteces from near and far who are so supportive and giving me pep talk via FB, txt msg, emails phone calls. It truly helps me when the brain flips out.....
Still not in the best mood but I did something today to challenge myself to change my mind set in an active way.
I had a planned dog training late morning.....I soo was not in the mood for it. Woke up with a nasty head ache. Very rare I do that. So I took a super relaxing morning trying to find a positive feeling to go to train. Nope just couldn't find it....
Exited my house and I told myself that if I am going to train I can't have this mind set....
I have told myself that don't train if u are not in for it. But then two things came to me.
1. When I went for a training weekend a couple of weekends ago we talked about the importance of being able to focus on here and now when training/ competing. Especially if u have a dog like mine who is sensitive and picks up on your mental and emotional state.
2. I told myself in the car that what if this was a day I was supposed to compete?!
I need to put Thursday aside, don't think about. Thursday was then, now we are on Saturday and an important 1 hour of training. Competition mood plz=focus!
And so I did! And I actually had a training better than many trainings lately! Yes, I had to work for it since Lakrits is a bit "slow" to get started especially when I am gloomy. But wow, she returned the energy and focus I gave! At the end of the training she was tired but she responded with a great attitude and motivation!
All through the training the best reward was not dog treats.....it was the green ball I introduced about 3-4 weeks ago. Yet again she loved that ball more or less the entire training. Even when she was tired she went for it!

Perhaps all my hard work is starting to pay off, little by little.
Anyway, I'm glad I decided to train today after all.....it gave me a challenge, challenge my mind! And also challenged us to train when I'm gloomy.
I am proud of myself for pulling off our training today. I gave focus to playing, motivation and attitude. Not putting to much pressure on her since I felt as I did. And I think it worked, I managed to focus on motivation and attitude by playing around for an hour with my dog. ✅ And the training sure made me feel more positive!
I ended up coming home with a positive mind set and 2 tired dogs. So I decided to fold laundry and listen to true good American country.
I won't do much more today except for taking out the dogs for a couple of walks.