

The diet starts in two days

Wednesday it starts! I hope it is the beginning of the end....so let's do it!

Some foods that I am allowed to eat and/ or supposed to avoid to eat.

So what will I eat?!
Breakfast: oatmeal without salt with shredded apple, coffe with a tiny bit of sugar. This is the toughest meal for me and to change my breakkie habit.

Snacks: Applechips covered in cinnamon that my sister-in-law made me❤️ apples, bananas, carrot sticks, max 0,5 dl of nuts / day.

Vegetables (carrots, zucchini, brussel sprouts, beats, potatoes (must be pealed), onions, sweet potatoe, broccoli). Chop them up and either roast them in the oven or fry them in olive oil in a pan.
Meat....max 90 g a day...and preferably white meat so tomorrow I will prep a bunch of chicken brests in the oven with some fresh herbs and olive oil. Another good one is to prep a bunch of minced meat. Then I can just take out of the freezer and thaw it easily in the microwave.

Another good one is fresh salads and some balsam vinegar.

I took a lot of pics from the last time I did this diet back in January this year. But let's try to inspire each other with various dishes!

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