The pill is taken!
Jupp I just took it and now we will see if there will be any side effects....Last time I just got a bad bad head ache but nothing more.
Last time back in January I took a lot of pics of the entire procedure with the shots prior the session and also while here at Radiumhemmet. So if curious check out my blogs from the end of January earlier this year. The room looks just the same this time. Same room, same doctor, different nurses, different bed though and a different roommate who speaks Swedish and is about my age.
To give you some facts...I am radiating 288 micro Bq. Doesn't say a lot but I need to have gotten rid of at least 90% of the radiation to not get restrictions except that I still need to keep distance to kids and pregnant women. Last time I got down to 3-4% but this time I am getting a lot higher dosage, 7400 micro Bq compared to 5400 Bq. Regular dose is 2500 Bq.
Not really sure what to say about being back....I mean it totally sucks. I rather would be at work, hanging out with family and friends and not being sick. But there are, as I have said before, a lot of things I wish were different. So it is what it is! Nothing more nothing less, just accept the situation.
But what I can say is this, Thank you each and everyone, you are such fantastic friends. I have been getting so much love and support these last couple of days via phone calls, txt and facebook. And today I have been getting txt messages since early morning cheering for me! Thank you, thank you thank you! I am so touched by all the cheers and positive words cuz now I am seriously stuck here for 3 days......
Somehow this diet and this time back in this room, it feels both easier and in some ways tougher.
Tougher in the way because I have done this before, tougher bc I don't really ever want to do this ever again.
Tougher bc yet again my patience is being tested. I will be yet another 4 weeks or so until I will know if I am in the clear or not. Then I will know if I need to do this again or not....Gosh darn it, my patience must be the best ever these days. Don't think I have ever been this good at waiting, waiting and yet waiting some more. How fun it is to wait!?!??! Yeah, you all know, whether it is good or bad news, waiting is never an option we like.
But it hasn't only been tougher. The good parts are that I have yet again realized that this has made me eat better and healthier. Since I have done a better job with foods since last time the change of diet hasn't been major. I have also had even greater support this time since several friends has volunteered to eat the same diet as I have. And one of them txted me this morning saying that she has lost 3,5 kg doing this diet with me! So congratulations! Something good has come out of this since she wanted to loose some weight! And we did it together! Silly slogan perhaps, but I don't care bc "Together we are strong!"
So for these next 3 days I will be reading my book, just started a new one, painting in my coloring books, watch movies, listen to pod casts. And on Saturday night I will eat chocolate and bread with cheese!!!! Yeah! Seriously, I don't know if u understand how much I am looking forward to this! After 10 days, then 11 days, of strict diet it will be so so so gooood and yummy!
Alrighty you all, I know some of you have fun exciting weekends ahead of you. Some are heading to dog shows and some are competing in obedience and "bruks", barmarksdrag etc etc. Good luck to you all! I am so thinking of you and know you will do great! As for me, you can reach me on my cell, via FB, or email and let me know how the weekend goes. I am here for sure, being a bit bored but having a radiant weekend in my enclosed room with leaded walls, aka Radiumhemmet!