

Happy new year

I hope all of you had a fantastic new year! 

A lot can be said about 2016.....
Going through cancer treatment it is a roller coaster that never ends. But the year hasn't only been negative. It has actually been A very positive year even if it has been tough and a struggle time and again to stay happy and positive. But I think I managed doing a decent year for myself and also for my surrounding. Even though I know my life situation is draining so many around me too. 

But let's look at some of the highlightes. The events are not ranked in anyway, they are just written down monthly as they happened

I had a great first training back in January with Pia Albinsson. It made me more focused and organized in my training with Lakrits

Lakrits had 6 beautiful puppies in March.

Kept spending a lot of time with the 6 puppies. They gave me so much strength and positive energy. Can't thank my breeder Martina enough who let me be part of their first 8 weeks. It gave me something positive to focus on when everything else health wise gave me just negative news. 

Lakrits gets to come back home to my birthday.

 Boxplayers Ingrid, Karin and I trained in Arvika for Pia Albinsson for a weekend. So much fun. And also so great to get to see the farm that Martin, Karin's sambo, runs. 

One of my closest friends from college time, Beth Kalin, came to visit and along from Munich came my great friends Sonja and Babette. They all wanted to celebrate a true midsummer

My brother and his Melissa and their two adorable children came for a 3 week long visit

Fantastic vacation weather and a great week of obedience training at Boxerlägret for Pia Albinsson. Tough week mentally, reality hit me hard. But with fantastic friends and people surrounding me I picked up the pieces and sat down and decided to quit obedience training for indefinite time.

Met up with an an old coworker who gave my the connections to a heeler in Eskilstuna
I had my first appointment a few days later and it so changed my mental and overall wellbeing.

Fantastic tracking weekend at Tyresö BK for Anna Löfgren who gave me faith that Yes I Can! 

A bunch of Boxplayers went to ÖLO training camp.

I started my first working dog competition, appell spår, at Eskilstuna BK. 
Tracking went fantastic, obendience not so good but good enough to get moved to the next level, Lägre spår. Perhaps the proudest moment this year since I had in July decided to quit training obedience training. 

Lakrits gets the title "Korad" with a fine result of 449. 
I can't be happier and prouder to have her by my side. I am not sure how I would have managed last year's cancer diagnose and all the tough things that happened earlier that year and also all the tough things this year has put me through. 

Finished off the year with yet another training weekend for Pia Albinsson up in Arvika 

2016 was really a dog year in many ways.
I have really not seen a lot of friends outsider the dog world. But I really haven't had the energy to focus on anything but myself. So instead I "escaped" into the dog world. I dedicated and focused on getting to the goal of competing and also be moved up to Lägre Spår. So I made an active choice that has been very good for me in so many ways. 

I won't have any huge hopes but I do hope that 2017 will bring good. No one knows only time will be able to tell......

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