

Is the glass half full or half empty?

It’s been very silent from this blog, not a lot of updates about my illness. It’s been an aware decision.

Anyhow, some week ago I did a post on FB and many of you have thought I have been staying at the hospital but it was one of these "regular" follow ups with scan and contrast fluid due to that my cancer markers already in August last year showed a huge increase. So already back in Jan/ February it was decided that I would need a CT scan with contrast fluid since the markers had increased slightly more. 
Add to that I also got confirmed back in Jan /feb that unfortunately I am immune to the iodine treatment which is the regular treatment for thyroid cancer. I have also been getting the max dosage possible before it starts creating cancer rather than killing it. So that means my diagnos nowadays is chronic thyroid cancer and that I can’t be treated with idodine because I am immune to it. 👎
Felt like yet another huge punch in my face when I got it confirmed but I am not surprised considering what my illness history has looked like. Though It has been to deal with this info but somehow I just keep moving forward. I guess I have decided that this illness isn’t going break me mentally! Physically it has but mentally I am not letting it! 

So today, week and a half after the CT I was scheduled to see my doctor to get the results. 
By the way my new doctor is fantastic! What a difference from the last! I feel so much confidence and trust in this doctor! 

Unfortunately my cancer markers almost
have doubled since August last year which means it is 700+. The CT scan unfortunately show the tumors in the throat as well as the lung have increased. Not a lot! But the cancer is unfortunately very alive. 
But I find these results super positive! O general I feel pretty dang good. Though I have had a lot of anxiety and stress within which mainly has been that the tumors have grown massively. But no, the one/ ones in the lung has a really small development while the one/ ones in the throat has increased more. Not a lot but more. We are talking total size in millimeters, perhaps 3-5 mm. When they removed the tumor 3,5 years ago it was 70-75 mm in diameter. Huge! So now what needs to be monitored closely is the development of the tumors located in the throat. 

I am relieved! Positive news!

You will most likely wonder how in the hell do I think when I say that I got good news today!
I mean, I wish it hadn’t grown at all but considering how much increase the marker shows it could just as well show a huge amount of new metastasis and huge tumors.  But for now it is just a small increase and it is in known ones. 

So my life will go back to same old same old; I will wait, do new blood work during the Fall and a  CT in early 2020 or spring 2020 depending on how my markers develop. 
It isn’t only the markers to monitor,
They need to monitor the levaxine levels, calcium levels and as they have through out this entire process monitoring my kidneys since they take a big hit from meds and not having a thyroid. 

I feel relieved! It feels like good news! I can yet again take some "vacation" from hospital visit is and tests! 

Also I will get some help  with mindfulness or KBT from a professional therapist to help me to handle and deal with the huge amount of stress and anxiety I have been building up these last few months. I am finally also going to get to see someone that can help me with my tiredness which is the result of not having a thyroid plus of course stress. 

So for now I am putting this behind me and I am looking forward to my next adventure which is a few days in Berlin at the very end of this month. 

So I have decided that my glass is half full! What does your glass look/ feel  like? 

Xx and happy Easter!
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